A Friendly Reminder from Death, 2016

The World Doesn’t Love Anyone

Thaddeus Howze
5 min readDec 26, 2016

The World doesn’t love anyone.

The World doesn’t have to. If you are lonely, if your life feels meaningless in the larger scheme of things, if you feel there is no reason for you to go on, stop.

Breathe. Listen. If you still feel that way. Do it again.

Go to the mall, go to the park, go somewhere the masses of people stand around you and remember this one thing.

The World doesn’t love anyone.

You have to love you.

You have to give your life meaning. You have to make it meaningful.

You must realize for anything to be significant, you have to make it that way.

It is Intent which drives the Universe. What happens to you is you at least in part, your choice. But only in part. There will always be things outside of your control. Learning how to cope with them is part of living. Until you are not.

Lay claim to YOUR part of the universe. Don’t complain about life. It won’t change anything appreciably. Complaints rarely do.

Intent, the belief you can change things is necessary for anything to be changed. It is the effort of seeing a thing you dislike and directing effort toward making it different and hopefully better which makes the change.

It can seem almost magical once you set yourself upon the course.

But no, it’s not magic. It’s work. It’s uncomfortable. It’s awkward. It’s goddamn inconvenient at times.

It requires you to see the World as it is, without your rose-colored, religion-colored, bias-colored, privilege-colored glasses. If this sentence offends you, I am talking specifically to you. It is people like you which alter the world in a negative way for the rest of humanity. The idea you deserve something more than bequeathed to all of you.

Life is a community sport. For all of us to win, we all have to play. If you only want your side to win, you are playing the wrong game. If you think you should win because you were born to wealth, or to intellect or to some degree of capacity…

You are already dead inside.

Dead people can’t change anything for the better. It’s not in their nature.

While you may struggle, as long as you are alive you can always change your lot. Changing your lot means changing your view. Thinking outside of yourself. Thinking we instead of me.

In a world which has convinced you of your superiority, your specialness, your unique wonder to the Universe, I say to you…

Not. You are unique. But you are not special. No more special than the people who are oppressed for your benefit. Think of them when you take your life for granted. Think if them when you forget how good life may have been treating you despite your innate suffering, your feelings of inadequacy. Your loneliness.

We are always alone. But you do not have to be lonely. Join others in seeing the world as the amazing, wondrous place it can be.

When times are like they are now, the urge to hide is strong. To keep hidden from monsters and tyrants and dictators. I will tell you a secret. There will always be such things in the world.

Monsters are what define heroes. If you live in a time of monsters, then you live in a time of heroes.

I am saying as long as you live, you have the power within you to change anything for the better. You cannot do it alone.

Be someone’s hero. Be someone’s champion. There are monsters enough for everyone to have a chance at the role.

Living, for better or worse, has only one alternative in the entire Universe.

It’s the best part of being alive.

Live as intensely as your heart condition allows.Then push a little further for extra enjoyment.

I trust this year has given you reason to reflect. To consider your place in the scheme of things. It is as much or as little as you choose to make it.

I won’t disappear when 2016 ends.

I will always be here.

Live. While there’s still time. Love, while you are still able. Protect everything that matters. If air matters to you, protect it. If water matters to you, protect it. If the future matters to you, protect it from the small-minded self-centered monsters who would do away with it.

Whatever you do, be a Champion for Life. You will be gone in the blink of a galactic eye.

No one comes to me saying they wish they were a bit more angry. Or racist. Or cruel. They come to me saying I wish I had a bit more time to spend with my family. With my loved ones. With the things that matter.

You get what everyone else is getting: a lifetime to figure it out. Learn until you come to Me. I will be waiting, patiently.

Free yourself from misconceived, preconceived, pre-chewed, hand-me-down ancient artifacts acting as traditions telling you what is happening in the world. Go outside and find out for yourself. Talk to your friends, neighbors, strangers, children. Then make it better for everyone. You don’t have to. You can leave the world the way it is, without Champions, rife with Monsters doing as they will.

And I will see you ALL sooner rather than later.

Good luck. 2017 is coming.

— Death

Thaddeus Howze is a writer, essayist, author and professional storyteller for mysterious beings who exist in non-Euclidean realms beyond our understanding. You can follow him on Twitter or support his writings on Patreon.



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