Member-only story
Edward Blum’s New Crusade
Is nothing more than a modern form of economic terrorism
Edward Blum would have you believe there is nothing wrong with his recent crusade against affirmative action. He believes you cannot fight centuries of discrimination with more discrimination. On the strength of that statement alone, I might be willing to be onboard with the IDEAL being presented. But the reality of his statement does not pass muster.
“I am wondering if you believe in systemic racism — racism embedded in the institutions of American life. Because if you look at statistics in this country, a typical white family holds 10 times the wealth that a typical Black family does. There are currently only eight Black CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, 20 Latino CEOs. Black people live sicker lives and they die younger than white people. I could go on.”
“No, I do not believe in it. What your question implies is that in the American DNA there is racism. It was founded upon racism. It is part of what this country is. I reject that.”