Member-only story
How to Become a Beloved Dictator
For would-be dictators not lucky enough to inherit a dictatorship
A deliciously short play-book of how modern dictators are made and why they are so successful. The secret is: FEAR. These men (and they are almost always men) have learned how to cultivate the fear of their countrymen. They have managed to speak the language of populism, of racism, of fear and loathing for the lack of choices, often created by others like them, available to their country and its citizens. They speak of being strong and wise, and being able to bring the country back to a golden age, whether it has ever existed or not is less important than the promise that it might.
Modern dictators are chameleons, able to change their appearance, hypnotize a less than intelligent audience and bring their base to a frothing mass of illiterate voting power with just three words: “I’ve got this.” I will be your father. I will put the right things in place. I will put the house in order. I am a strong man and strong men get things done.
What they don’t tell you is what they plan on doing is for their (and the monsters who enabled them to be elected) benefit and no one else. You came here to see the secrets of becoming a Modern Dictator, not like in the old days when you had to murder the previous government in a bloody coup, or…