On the Eve of the Midterms, Negrodamus says ‘Don’t Vote…’

Shhhhh. Don’t fight. Just let the End of Days happen.

Thaddeus Howze
4 min readNov 5, 2018

“The Amerikkkan people have spoken.”

“I, prognosticator of the future, a speaker of the worst of Human nature have returned to make my predictions for the coming midterm elections in a nation once thought of as “a shining city upon a hill” by John Winthrop in a time so far removed from our own.

“Well, those days are far behind us and America, such as it is, has become a land of fear and loathing. A xenophobic stew of hatred, self-loathing, misogyny, and disenfranchisement reducing the American Dream to a fantasy now thirty years beyond the reach of the Average American, with their stagnant wages and constantly increasing costs they must endure for the privilege of calling themselves Americans.”

Let’s look at my predictions and recognize them for the truths they are becoming:

“I predict forty more years of corporate enslavement, environmental disaster, ‘entitlement’ erasure, economic disparity growing wider, three more trillionaire companies surrounded by neighborhoods no one can afford to live in.”

“Neighborhoods filled with chai-latte drinking, spiritually-empty employees making America grate once again on the nerves of foreign dictators who wish their societies were as docile and stupid as ours…”

“A social order venerating an individual who has nothing but contempt for his base and able to say it out loud to their boisterous adulation.”

“I predict more of what Donald Trump and Jeff Bezos and Sean Hannity and the NRA are dishing out. More White privilege, less opportunity for anyone else and a media too weak and pathetic to even speak a truth they were empowered by the Constitution to report.”

“I predict a country in denial, a world returning to a free-for-all status and a future so dark, no post apocalyptic vision can even come close. Okay, that’s not quite true. A couple of movies do get close…”

“I predict ‘The Road’, ‘The Book of Eli’ and ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ will become modern handbooks for the world we are headed towards. We already have concentration camps for kids; why not turn deportation into a festival party at every airport, sponsored by ICE, Homeland Security and catered by TSA.

“I see the nation sponsoring migrant shooting galleries at the border where the rich gambling on which caravan can survive the longest against rogue Amerikkkan militias sneaking past a powerless US Army; reality television for a decadent bored, disaffected nation.”

“I foresee religious fundamental hellscapes, complete with rape parties, witch burnings, and extermination camps with the formerly wealthy (after the end of days, money has no value, only bullets matter) hiding behind their bunker walls, waiting for their armed guards to turn on them, counting down the days until their bunkers run out of food, water and the only thing left to eat are bullets.”

“Don’t vote. It’s not a requirement. No one is forcing you. Democracy has failed. It’s past its prime. Please just let it end. It can’t be any worse than this, right?”

— Negrodamus

Thaddeus Howze works as a writer and editor for two magazines, the Good Men Project, a social men’s magazine as well as for Krypton Radio, a sci-fi enthusiast media station and website. He is also a freelance journalist for Polygon.com and Panel & Frame magazine. Thaddeus is the co-founder of Futura Science Fiction Magazine and one of the founding members of the Afrosurreal Writers Workshop in Oakland.



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