“We Will Not Be Replaced!”

Yes, you will. If we are fortunate, you will be the last generation of your kind of intolerance.

Thaddeus Howze
6 min readAug 12, 2017
A group of white nationalists protesting on the University of Virginia’s campus Friday night, chanting: “We will not be replaced!” and other White pride slogans.

What sheer audacity have these white men.

They will riot and cry out “we will not be replaced” as if their birthright was ordained. In the years to come, they will riot in greater numbers, with greater ferocity, as if they have suffered some great pain, or endured some great loss.

History will tell us, they have not.

In point of fact, they have been the pioneers of pain, a source of suffering, dervishes of destruction for thousands of years. They have waged war across a hundred lands, shed blood wherever they set foot and never once seem to look at their actions as anything other than just.

Now in a world seeking balance, in a world where their manifest destiny goes awry, they complain of injustice while ignoring their own culpability in their plight.

They say: “I am disenfranchised,” but never ask, who is responsible for his lack of influence in the world. He neglects to address his own poor education. Neglects to mention his lack of reasoning skills and his belief in magical thinking, of flat worlds, of mythic forests beasts and old men in the sky promising an idyllic afterlife even after a life of evil with a last minute bit of repentance at the end.

He will say: “I am unemployed.” Never once asking who sent the factory his father worked in overseas because there was cheaper labor to be had there. He never considers the criminals he empowered by putting them into office with promises they never deliver. He will blame everyone but the men in suits who call him brother and leave him to die on the streets citing progress and an aphorism about broken eggs.

He will rant and cry out: “Blacks and minorities are taking my opportunities,” not noting the bulk of the highest paying, most powerful, influential, media, corporate, police, government, entertainment and white collar work in this country is still routed, controlled, and manipulated primarily by the hands of White Men, like him. He is blind to the control his brothers use to promote themselves and sacrifice him for their profit.

He is certain he is owed something for his collaboration, he cannot however voice exactly what he believes he is due.

What effrontery is this that drives them to demand no action be taken on the behalf of anyone in this nation no matter how egregious the treatment these people have suffered at the hands of his white ancestors. He cries out “reverse racism is the greatest problem a White man can face in the world today,” denying racism’s much longer arm in the reach of American history for anyone who was not white and have still not achieve anything resembling parity for their suffering.

The fathers of these men considered entrapment, enslavement, brutality for centuries, murder, relocation, isolation and death to be his swift justice to anyone who was not white and would not be subservient to his dreams of manifest destiny; dreams only slightly less terrible than the Thousand Year Reich promised by another group of insane, murderous White men who sought to enslave a world to their eugenic and improbable nightmare led by a failed artist and a marketing genius.

No. I have no pity for these men. Not one bit. For their dreams have always been false. Their tales of meritocracy promoted effort without result for the worker. The hardest working were only the best exploited.

The feel-good of Merit was a carrot used to exploit the smartest and most driven, by blinding them to the reality that he who was the most connected, most wealthy, and most crooked routinely outperformed anyone no matter their talent.

Rugged individualism kept everyone isolated, alone, and vulnerable to the predation of their wolfen masters of mind control. They sold dreams dressed as opportunity teaching competition as the only merit.

Rather than supporting the many, they prized the one. To make the rest of the rabble run harder, chasing their singular example. Fools, one and all.

Chasing celebrity is a trap to make you work harder for less. A celebrity is a person who has figured out how to sell nothing to everyone and make them believe they have gotten something at the end of the exchange.

Such manipulation is to be admired if you were born without an ethical bone in your body. If watching people starve to death before your eyes filled you with a sinister joy.

If knowing people living downstream of a factory would die decades before their time could cause your soul to burn with a sinister fire, this was masterful work.

To cause men to dream of a life of power and influence without recognizing their monstrosity and culpability in a greater evil is a singular creation; a sinister Taj Mahal of the soul, made once, emulated often, but never duplicated.

To dream of power, while your neighbor starves is madness.

To enslave your neighbor to ensure your power is madness.

To believe no matter what you do, you are right, is madness.

Do not pity these men. They would kill you as look at you in the name of their so-called prosperity. It is prosperity when they prosper and you die for their wealth, for their control, for their opportunity to grind you into the dust and call it progress.

For THAT is the American way. To drive all before them, man or beast, turn it to their whim, and destroy it when they are done and call it good and just. Waste is what America does best. Wastes talent. Wastes resources. Wastes lives.

Countless lives crackling like chaff on the bonfire of American exceptionalism.

If this is the future they offer any of us, to be used, discarded, the marrow sucked deeply from the bones of your lives, it is best we draw our swords and get to work. For they have shown us no respect for three hundred years.

Let us be clear: They would not stop to show you any now.

“We will not be replaced.” You are correct. If we are wise. We will not replace you with new overlords for old. We will choose kinder leaders, who realize the value of the future lies not in how many lives you can sacrifice, but in the lives you can save. We will choose people who recognize each life is a singular event, with the potential to change the world, if nurtured with vision beyond exploiting them for their basest efforts.

Each of us, is a world unto ourselves and you gentlemen have forgotten this most important of truths. We are not an drop in the ocean. We are all the ocean in a drop. What a mighty sea we might still make when you are gone.

If we are wise, you will simply be forgotten, an artifact from a time of madness, lost to the halls of a dusty and all to unfortunate history.

If we are wise…if we listen to you. You will be the last of your kind.

“Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil’s pawn. Alone among God’s primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother’s land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.”

The Lawgiver, (as spoken by Cornelius in Planet of the Apes)

Thaddeus Howze is a writer, essayist, author and professional storyteller for mysterious beings who exist in non-Euclidean realms beyond our understanding. You can follow him on Twitter or support his writings on Patreon.

